Wednesday, August 19, 2009


Braden and Abby are loving school and have made so many new friends. They love their teachers and their teachers love them. It's so weird having them gone all day long. Ellie has had a few days were she has really missed them. She will wear Abby's shoes around the house and call her name and say I want Abby. It's cute.

Braden brought home his first homework packet this week and boy was I in for a shocker. Each night he has two homework pages to do, spelling test to study for, vocabulary test to study for, math test to study for and read to me for 20 minutes. This pretty much takes up our evening along with dinner, showers, and if we have time maybe swimming.

Life is busy but well worth it. Here are a few pictures from last week.

Ellie on the carousel at the mall.
Abby sitting at her table.
Braden sitting at his desk.
Ellie just lounging. What a tough life.
Ellie having a tantrum. This is pretty common the past couple of days.

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