Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Spring Break Update

Abby and Ellie before church.

Dress I made for Ellie.

Ellie LOVES to water my flowers.

Braden and Abby just hanging out outside.

Watering flowers again.

Bathroom after. Not quite done yet.

Bathroom before.

Flowers we planted last night.

We made it through a long week of spring break. It was a fun week though. We planned a fun activity everyday. The weather was gorgeous everyday and we definitely got alot of sun. I forgot my camera on a few days. We went to the zoo one day with our wonderful friends the Archibald's. The kids loved it. The weather was good enough that we even went swimming one day. It was a good week but I can honestly say I am glad it is over. Today the kids are back in school and I can finally get caught up on things around the house.


730am said...

Great work, Jamie! I love your flowers . . . and your kids - your creativity is grand - I know what you mean about school breaks - when I was a mother I longed for school to start and now that I am a teacher, I long for school to end!

kelly said...

i love that dress! i want to pattern!