Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Why so soon

Abby has grown out of most of her clothes so today was the day we were going to go shopping and find some new ones for school. I was so excited because I have seen some cute things around that I really wanted to get her. So off to the store we go. I start picking out all of these cute outfits and saying how about this one. Abby keeps saying no I don't like it. So I'm finally like what do you like. And out of all of the cute clothes at Target she wants this Hannah Montana shirt and leggings. Okay first off I can't stand Hannah Montana and second the clothes were horrible.
Why is buying a four year old clothes such an ordeal? We left with one pair of jeans, one long sleeve brown shirt and one other shirt.


Erin said...

I'm with you on the Hannah Montana thing...! I mentioned to someone before my little guy was born how there is so much more baby girl clothes and stuff out there than baby boy...she said yah, its like that at first (more choices for the girls than boys) but later, I won't have to deal with the sleezy, questionable clothes that's the latest and greatest style for girls...good point! So, something to look forward to...!

Heather said...

My advice even if you don't want it, don't take an opinionated child to the store with you. Just go and pick out the clothes without her bring them home and I bet she would love every one of them;) We used to dream of going shopping with our little girls but when money or modesty is an issue it's not as much fun as me imagined huh???