Friday, May 23, 2008


Gavin has been out of town since Wednesday and won't be back until Sunday. I'm tired. Ellie is not sleeping well because she has a cough and she's not so good at rolling from tummy to back yet so she cries a lot at night because she gets stuck on her tummy. Hopefully she will work out her sleeping problems so I can finally get some sleep. Here are a few new pictures.

Ellie's new sleeping position. Face down with head next to bumper pad. Kind of scary looking. I try to move her head but she puts it right back down. So yes it worries me and I check on her every five minutes.

I took the kids to the Aquarium today. It was a nice day and they had a lot of fun.

At the Aquarium.

Cute Abby.


730am said...

Call Paige! She is sooo tired, too. I don't know how you keep going. I guess Ellie has her own sleeping style. Thanks for being such a good mom!

s.s parker said...

she may not be sleeping well, but she's sure looks cute when she does! I love Abby's diva pose! your a fab mom! hubby is going to have his hands full when he gets home, your taking a VK!!:)

s.s parker said...

the headboard isn't coming along!:) it may be awhile. i'm off to utah next week and then to the bahamas for 3 weeks after that, so I'll get back to you sometime in July and see how far i've gotten :)

Heather said...

I love the bow in Abby's hair!!